31 Temmuz 2013 Çarşamba
Importance of Listening

25 Temmuz 2013 Perşembe
Nonviolent Communication Method

23 Temmuz 2013 Salı
Movie Critic

17 Temmuz 2013 Çarşamba
Needs and Wants
Last week we talked about needs and wants in our class. Needs are things that necessary for our survival like food, shelter, water, sleep. However wants are things that we desire but not necessary in order to survive like mobile phones, clothes. We can classify needs as biological, mental, relational and social. Biological needs are physical needs that are essential in order to live like air, water,warmth. Mental needs are psychological needs like awareness, self-expression, creativity and effectiveness. Relational needs are the emotional needs like acceptance, affection, appreciation, belonging, empathy or consistency. And the final one is social needs. Social needs are personal needs that are related with beauty, equality or inspiration. Here is the picture of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs pyramid. The pyramid consists of five stages. Maslow pointed out that human needs are organized in a hierarchical way.
8 Temmuz 2013 Pazartesi
Positive Psychology- Martin Seligman
Today I am going to talk about positive psychology and Martin Seligman's TED conference. Firstly, positive psychology focuses on human well-being and happiness. Instead of other majors of psychology which are focus on dysfunction and abnormal behaviors of human, it focuses on to make people happy. Martin Seligman is an American psychologist and he classifies life in three ways as a pleasant life, a good life and a meaningful life. I will share a video about Martin Seligman talk in TED conference. In the conference, he talks about new era of positive psychology.
2 Temmuz 2013 Salı
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"The Power of Words"